
Friday, May 15, 2015

Hanen Teacher Talk™ Training A: Encouraging Language Development in Early Childhood settings

Speech Oasis was really busy on 9th of May, getting the Hanen Teacher Talk™ Training A going for 23 participants. 

Thumbs up for the amazing participants - some  kindergarten principals, teachers, special needs coaches, and learning therapists - completed the full -day 6 hour training, with lots of enthusiasm (see the smiles on the photo after the long day !!)

Ms Tye Wuey Ping, speech-language pathologist, and Hanen facilitator for Hanen Teacher Talk™ Training A, presented  useful strategies to involve children in effective communication in the classroom. Videos and role-play activities made the learning session a lively one !

Speech Oasis will bring Teacher Training B and C very soon.
Will keep you posted on this !!